Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Fun!

Easter is always a great opportunity to add some art and craft time to your long weekend schedule.  I've compiled some fun ideas from some awesome sites for you!

Visit the Disney Family Fun website for loads of great ideas,

Enchanted Learning will keep you busy for a while,

Kaboose is also packed with ideas!

We made a cute little cotton ball lamb for an Easter craft:

I found the idea here.  They have a great step by step tutorial.

You will need:
Toilet Paper Roll
Glue ( I would recommend craft glue and not a glue stick like we used)
Black Felt
Black Pom Pom
Felt in any other colour for your bow
Black Pipe cleaners x 1
Scrap Paper
Wiggly Eyes
Cotton Balls

I pre constructed part of the lamb by inserting the scrap paper into the tube, adding the face with black felt, the eyes and ears as well as the pipe cleaner legs.  Just wrap the pipe cleaners around the tube.

I then covered the tube in glue and while holding it, Mouse stuck the cotton balls on.  Lastly we glued on the pom pom for a tail as well as the blue bow.  I trimmed the legs a bit to add a bit of stability.

She is very impressed with the lamb and very proud of how it turned out!
Hope you have a wonderful Easter long weekend!

Trudie xx

Monday, March 5, 2012

Making Science fun!

I had science as a subject in high school, I can still remember studying for my final exam - I even had some formulas and important facts on a piece of paper in a plastic sheet in the shower!  I enjoyed science, but it didn't come naturally to me at all.  Chemistry was fine, that was something you could study, but Physics was an entirely different matter.  I believe that we as parents can introduce certain science facts and principles now at an early age to our children, this will not necessarily make them science geniuses, but if it can help them to pass that dreaded Physics then it is a win win situation!  I also believe that we can make certain things fun for them now, thus, when they are older and sitting in school they will still have that wonderful fun feeling around a subject.  Making learning fun is what it is all about!

 Here are some fun ideas and activities to introduce your child to science:

Floating Egg experiment:
 Normally an egg will not float in water (except if it is a very old egg!), but adding some salt to the water will make your egg float! For tiny tots - just show them that the egg will sink to the bottom of the container, add some salt and then show them that the egg will float.  For older children explain that the salt makes the water denser, therefor the egg cannot sink to the bottom.  Note:  you need to add loads of salt - at least 6 - 7 tablespoons in a normal drinking glass of water.

Oil and water experiment:

Does oil and water mix?  The two liquids have different densities and therefore the oil will always float on top of the water.  This is a fun experiment for little ones, you need a container with a lid (see through container), oil and water.  Pour some water in the container and then gently pour some oil on top.  Close the lid and ask your child to shake the pot, now watch what happens - the oil and water will separate.  They will love this! For some added fun you can add some food colouring to the water.  For older children you can even take the experiment a bit further - add some dishwashing liquid to the mix!  Explain that the soap forms an emulsion between the water and oil, the same principle enables mommy to wash the dishes.

Making sugar crystals:

This will for sure be a huge hit!  It does take a bit of time though - at least 4 weeks to get a good size crystal, but it is worth the wait!

You need:
1 cup water
3 cups sugar
Clear glass jar
Food colouring of your choice
Clothes pin

Clip the clothes pin around the top of the skewer, place the skewer in the jar, not touching the sides or bottom of the jar (keep it about 3cm from the bottom). Balance the skewer by placing the clothes pin on top of the jar (lying flat on the jar top).
Boil the water and add the sugar slowly until all the sugar is melted (Please this mixture is super hot!  Only mommy and daddy may handle this, please be careful at all times and don't let your little one handle the sugar water mixture.)  Let it cool for about 8 - 10 min.  Add the food colour of your choice, a little goes a long way!  Don't overdo the colouring otherwise you won't be able to see the crystals form.  Now slowly pour this mixture into your prepared clear glass jar.  The crystals should start to form in 3 - 4 days time.  Science behind this:  hot water can hold more sugar molecules than cool water.  As the saturated water cools and evaporates the excess sugar molecules clings to the skewer, forming the sugar crystals.

Hope you enjoy these fun experiments with your little one!

Trudie xx

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Craft projects

Valentine's day is just around the corner and we have some art and craft inspiration for you!

 You can make some super cute heart shaped light catchers.  Simply cut out a heart shape from a piece of construction paper.  Cut out a center heart as well - leaving just a heart frame.  Add some contact paper to the one side and place sticky side up in front of your little one. 
 Let them decorate the contact paper with some glitter, this will be messy!
 Once they are done with their artwork, cover the glitter side with another piece of contact paper.  Punch a hole in the top, thread through some ribbon and hang in your window!
 We made these little plaster hearts using plaster (mix it thickly) spooned into a heart shaped cookie cutter.  Leave to set for a few minutes then remove cookie cutter.  Once dry you can paint them.
 Make a cute Valentine's inspired threading game for your little one.  I used some pink craft foam, cut out a heart shape and punched holes around the edge of the heart, give your little one a shoelace and they will have loads of fun!
 We created these fun cards with some bubble wrap, paint and construction paper!  First apply some paint to the bubble wrap, stamp on the paper and then you can paint some heart shapes on top.  Will make great cards!
 You can also do a red themed sensory box.  For this box we used some bran, feathers and some containers.  This was a huge hit!
 Why not try a red themed mosaic box?  We used feathers, pipe cleaners, paper and contact paper.  Cut two pieces of contact paper, place one sticky side up in front of your little one.  Let them decorate with the art supplies, then cover with another piece of contact paper.  Huge fun!
Make a extra special Valentine's gift for daddy.  Use a store bought canvass, paint little ones hands with non toxic paint and let them stamp their little hands on the canvas.  This is such a special gift!

Enjoy and we hope that you will have a lovely Valentine's day!

Trudie xx